Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Victim #36: Pitfalls of a Non-Modifiable Agreement

Please help me- I am paying $1800.00 a month in a non-modifiable agreement that was based on my ex-wife making the house payment of $1100.00 per month and me earning $70,000 per year. Now I am making $35,000 per year because I was laid off- the house has been sold, and she has 1/2 my retirement.

The attorney I contacted states I can't do anything about it because it says in my decree (which has the wrong dates an everything) that it is non - modifiable. Can you please give me an avenue to go on?

I can't even live on what I have after I pay my ex- wife and all my kids are over 21 and I have spent the remaining retirement account on her alimony payments for the past 1 1/2 year!

Is there anything I can do?

Thank you so much,
