Thursday, October 30, 2008

Victim #67: Mass Disobedience is the Only Answer

I think it is pretty clear that we are heading into a major depression not just a recession. The tentacles are creeping into everything and even the standard bogus numbers produced by our fine government are starting to show serious signs of weakness (and considering how cooked those numbers are this is a major feat). I don't know of a whole lot of people who has lost their job but it seems clear that this is what is on the horizon and approaching like a runaway train.

With the standard practice of "imputing" income for child support and alimony firmly a part of the family court system there is no give if something like this happens. The numbers of men currently under orders is staggering and well into the millions, when these men start losing their jobs, their houses, their life savings, etc. the obvious solution on the part of the talking heads (who caused this mess in the first place but that is another topic) will be to swell the jail population - but that too has its limits.

Mass disobedience seems to me to be the only real possible outcome. If even 10% of the current total case load went back to court you'd clog the system well beyond its capacity to operate. Of course we've outsourced justice to organizations like Maximus who are free to take whatever they want without consequence but eventually even this level of plunder has its limits.

Child support terror operates within the framework of assets that are easy to steal, people who are easy to jail, and compliance. All of this falls apart when your primary concern is bread lines and basic survival. There are just too many parasites and not enough hosts and the standard practice of torturing the host doesn't work when the host is facing a choice of life or death if it continues to support everything the U.S. demands. It is already the case that certain acts of theft will get you less jail time than a child support contempt order will. Heck if they do the revolving contempt order (with new contempt for six months generated every month you are in jail) *murder* starts looking like a reasonable alternative.

My point is something needs to give and the U.S. has a very poor track record of ever admitting that its made a mistake. I think the last time that happened was with the repeal of prohibition and those in charge have shown that this knowledge is quickly forgotten as they continue to prosecute the war on drugs as if it made any difference.

Countries can and have existed as slave states for a time but they all eventually collapse as slave labor just isn't as efficient. People work much harder for themselves than they do for others regardless how hard you whip them. What I see happening is the run up to the fall of the Soviet Union where everyone was a slave, no one really wanted to do anything, and this apathy ran so thick that it eventually overcame the fear of being punished. Even sadist judges who enjoy torturing men need an army of loyal serfs to carry out their wishes, and if their hearts aren't really in it then nothing happens. At the very least arresting people (and housing them) is work and the police aren't going to want to go arrest 10 million men even assuming none of them turn violent and counter attack.

I realize that I am just wondering out loud here but does anyone know if any of the powers that be have even acknowledged that job loss and a new great depression might, just this once, be a teensy weensy reason why ex-wifey can't remain in Starbucks and Saks 5th avenue shoes this month? Wondering if anyone knows if any judge has resisted the jail em all mentality in light of this economic hurricane that is hitting.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Victim #66: Lesson Learned Late

The "Legal system" involved in divorce is perverted, corrupt, and morally bankrupt. A woman who has planned this out well can call 911 and falsely claim domestic abuse which involves the inept criminal justice system. The public perception is that all of these are legimate and that these men are dogs. That puts the husband immediately on the defensive. Then comes the restraining order along with the divorce papers.

This is a legal way that you can literally get kicked out of your own home and I have seen it happen. Usually the domestic violence charges are dropped....for say 20 grand....because real domestic violence is a felony conviction and it may affect your ability to earn income....they don't want to kill the golden goose. Their intent is to always have a legal advantage and the lawyers know that all of this is just a game.

Married men in this country are at risk every day and they don't have a clue. Somehow the average Joe needs to know that every time he works overtime, every time that he takes a course or training, every time that he tries to better himself and his family educationally or financially he is putting himself at greater and greater risk. THAT is what the American Man needs to understand. I learned it too late.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Victim #66: Pitfall of Imputing Income in These Economic Times

I don't know of a whole lot of people who has lost their job but it seems clear that this is what is on the horizon and approaching like a runaway train. With the standard practice of "imputing" income for child support and alimony firmly a part of the family court system there is no give if something like this happens.

The numbers of men currently under orders is staggering and well into the millions, when these men start losing their jobs, their houses, their life savings, etc. the obvious solution on the part of the talking heads (who caused this mess in the first place but that is another topic) will be to swell the jail population - but that too has its limits.

Mass disobedience seems to me to be the only real possible outcome. If even 10% of the current total case load went back to court you'd clog the system well beyond its capacity to operate. Of course we've outsourced justice to organizations like Maximus who are free to take whatever they want without consequence but eventually even this level of plunder has its limits.

Child support terror operates within the framework of assets that are easy to steal, people who are easy to jail, and compliance. All of this falls apart when your primary concern is bread lines and basic survival. There are just too many parasites and not enough hosts and the standard practice of torturing the host doesn't work when the host is facing a choice of life or death if it continues to support everything the U.S. demands.

It is already the case that certain acts of theft will get you less jail time than a child support contempt order will. Heck if they do the revolving contempt order (with new contempt for six months generated every month you are in jail) *murder* starts looking like a reasonable alternative.

My point is something needs to give and the U.S. has a very poor track record of ever admitting that its made a mistake. I think the last time that happened was with the repeal of prohibition and those in charge have shown that this knowledge is quickly forgotten as they continue to prosecute the war on drugs as if it made any difference.

Countries can and have existed as slave states for a time but they all eventually collapse as slave labor just isn't as efficient. People work much harder for themselves than they do for others regardless how hard you whip them. What I see happening is the run up to the fall of the Soviet Union where everyone was a slave, no one really wanted to do anything, and this apathy ran so thick that it eventually overcame the fear of being punished.

Even sadist judges who enjoy torturing men need an army of loyal serfs to carry out their wishes, and if their hearts aren't really in it then nothing happens. At the very least arresting people (and housing them) is work and the police aren't going to want to go arrest 10 million men even assuming none of them turn violent and counter attack.

I realize that I am just wondering out loud here but does anyone know if any of the powers that be have even acknowledged that job loss and a new great depression might, just this once, be a teensy weensy reason why ex-wifey can't remain in Starbucks and Saks 5th avenue shoes this month? Wondering if anyone knows if any judge has resisted the "jail em all" mentality in light of this economic hurricane that is hitting.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Victim #65: Second Wives At Risk

I can only speak for MA, but the courts absolutely go after a second wife's assets and income when calculating an alimony award after modification. Technically, the second wife's income/assets are only supposed to be included if a purposeful transfer of assets has been proven to avoid alimony.

All of us have been to court and know what really happens, my husband and my self have a prenup - are not in business together - do not file taxes together - have separate bank accounts, but the MA courts used my income added to my husband's income to calculate the payment to my husband's former wife - her income increased by $14,000 after our marriage. Reasoning of the court - my husband now had more excess income to pay alimony - he supports her, I support him.

This almost split us up - but then I got mad - and I have made it my mission to change the law in MA; but my advice, don't get married, commit to each other, but protect the person you love from this same type of court abuse - what does a marriage license mean anyway except a license for an ex-spouse to go after more income.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Victim #64: Judge Wants Victim to Work Overtime to Pay Alimony

And just how many ex spouses can we be ordered to support?

I would still like to see a list of how much money everyone pays to support an ex spouse. What is an, "ex spouse," really worth? Might there be some injustice in the differing dollar amounts we pay?

Was it illegal for the female judge to order me to liquidate my 401(k) retirement account to pay for my ex's attorney bills? When her attorney found I didn't have enough money to cover his bill, he was kind enough to let me make additional payments over two years, interest free! What a guy!

Maybe the female judge figured that since I was a Registered Nurse, I might enjoy helping strangers going through a period of illness in their lives, so I wouldn't mind working an extra 13 hour weekend shift every week for the rest of my life, to support an abusive, and at times, mentally ill ex, that set a fire in the house, and frequently threatened to kill me, for stupid things like making eye contact with someone, or walking into a neighbors home.

The judge, most likely thought I enjoyed it when my ex accused me of having affairs with her friends, her daughter's friends, my sister, my Mother, and, what brought me to the breaking point, our two Long coat Chihuahua's.

God help me. I pay $1395.00 a month. I know Doctors and Attorneys that pay less, or nothing at all! How much do Judges pay in alimony cases to their exs?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Victim #63: Government Enforced Slavery

Who would have thought that people react negatively to being made into slaves - which is what this is. Forcing another human being to work for the sole benefit of someone else punishable by violence. Slavery on a large industrial scale as we have it today with alimony and child support absolutely requires government to enforce it. Only the government is large enough, impersonal enough, and brutal enough to keep the beast fed.

I don't remember where I read this but it was an article about the manner in which Africans were transported to the American colonies. They were kept below decks, which of course in the sun and heat caused multiple cases of heat stroke and increased casualties, thereby increasing the cost (for those of African decent please forgive the brutality of bringing up money and not humanity as the controlling factor - it is sadly the truth then as it is today). So why didn't the slavers let their cargo on deck? It wasn't that they were worried about mutiny - they crew had the muskets and swords. It was because many of the people they were transporting would rather throw themselves overboard then become slaves.

Today we have a simple solution for this, we simply ignore the fact that men are killing themselves in record numbers and just bring it up as another reason men are bad as compared to the moral superiority of the female. Heck i've seen comments in forums where feminist A complains that her ex killed himself and feminists B - Z are furious at the guy because he had an ex he was to support and this slight was proof that he was going to hell. He should have worked harder and made sure he had a life insurance policy or three that paid out even in the event of suicide.

This is what we are dealing with and the only solution to such cruelty is just to walk away. The government makes money based on our misery, many men are too busy working to think it could happen to them, and when you get down to it 90% of women (even those married to men having to pay this) support it because when the chips are down they too would take the money if offered. Salvation from such, when a bulk majority is for such a pogrom, can only come about with the elimination of those enslaved or complete collapse of the system.

I believe the current economic depression may provide for the latter. As men lose their jobs and the jails fill up with arrears slaves, the costs to the government will be enormous. Heck one or two slaves may decide as Sengbe Pieh (aka Joseph Cinque) did that they won't go quietly. Of course in the case of the Amistad they were eventually freed through law and we all know that would never happen here and now with such a despicable act especially one that is so against "THE CHILDREN!!!" (i.e. our ex's who can't seem to find that equality means they should actually support themselves) 10 million dads going to jail is just too much even for our current budding police state.


Monday, October 13, 2008

The 3rd Race at the Honeymoon Is Over Downs

Now for a moment of levity. The following video is hilarious. Be sure to watch it.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Victim #62: Lifetime Sentence in Virginia

In 2002 my divorce was final and following my attorneys advice sat quietly as the judge gave my soon to be ex lifetime alimony. The sum of which leveled me. Her lawyer and the judge both agreed that I could get another job to survive after they took almost half my months earnings.

A month later we were back in court and that amount was reduced to 350.00 a month. But the fact remained that she would get this amount either until she remarried or deid. Lifetime alimony! Again I sat there quietly as she was given all my retirement savings, the equity in the house, (the land was never put in our name). I had no idea then that I could appeal this or even limit it's existence.

Here I am 5 years later and every time I look at my pay stub I see those words. Spousal support. Since the day our divorce was finalized she has lived rent free with her aunt. Has been fired from a few jobs and payed her truck payment with her credit cards. (We split those and I paid my half off, she bankrupted hers this year.) Now she has a full time job and no desire to better herself unless you count nails and hair. No further education. She still has no rent or mortage, no utilities and now no debts to pay.

I work full time and make good money and pay all my debts. It burns my tail some times when I see that 1 out of 4 of my checks go to her and will for life. I have thought about taking her back to court but fear that she will get more instead of less, that would just about kill me. I live in Virginia and believe this is not a state a man would want to divorce in. I was being sentenced before the divorce was over and now have a lifetime sentence to someone I care to have nothing to do with.

What can I do? Do I have any options?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Victim #61: Some Women Give Others A Bad Name

My husband and I recently married. I've known him for years and years and was fully aware of the alimony order in place from their divorce 4 years ago. They were only married for 10 years.

Problem is that she became enraged when she found out that we got married and had the audacity to purchase a new home. The one thing that she doesn't know is that I make considerably more money than he does (about 3x). So everything that we have is because I purchased it.

Long story short, she's taking him back to court for payment of arrearages owed (from when he was unemployed in 2003 and the alimony was $350 a week) and for contempt of court. The contempt charges stem from the credit reporting bureaus.

When they divorced they had a considerable amount of credit card debt which of course he got so kindly ordered to pay. But during the time which he was unemployed he was unable to make the payments on time every time. He didn't miss a single payment and hasn't since, but some were late and since the credit was in both their names it got reported to her SSN also. So she is suing him for not "holding her harmless".

This woman is highly educated, a former school teacher and now a paralegal making almost double his income.

I've tried researching the laws in our state to see if I can find any way to get out of this ridiculous obligation, but the only information that I can find is geared towards the recipient. I can't find a single law, judgment, or ruling that protects the payor.

I'm sorry, but it's women that do these sort of things that give the rest of us a bad name!


Victim #60: Right to Choose Own Employment Denied to Former Husband

Something that blows me away is that if you divorce and have an alimony obligation, they can prevent you from changing careers if that meant less money was available to support the "entitled" party.

How did we lose this right to choose our own employment situation simply because we got divorced?

I am considering doing this, and had a chat with my attorney Friday about the ramifications of doing this - and was warned "don't".

This brings up another constitutional issue (I think - but maybe I am wrong)...when did her rights supersede my rights? I can understand if we were talking about a child, but we're talking about another adult. So if you are married or single or divorced without any alimony obligation, you are free to do whatever you want employment wise - but if you have an alimony obligation, you are essentially a slave.

My attorney said "well if you can get a doctor in to testify that you are sick and continuing to work in this line of work will eventually kill you"... I probably can get such testimony - but it burns me up that I would have to go to that trouble...whatever happened to I just don't like doing this anymore and would like to do something else?

Why is it the court's business what I choose to do? I'm stuck where I'm at. I have to continue to do a job I don't like because it benefits another adult who has an entitlement at my expense. If I quit and do something else, then I am voluntarily underemployed and they can still attribute my previous salary regardless of what I am making....that is the crux of my complaint can this not be some violation of my rights to tell me what I can and cannot do to earn a living and that I have to make "x" amount of dollars or more....

And they wonder why violence happens....


Friday, October 3, 2008

Victim #59: Cohabitating Ex Uses Children as a Weapon

There are minor children involved and we have NO problem paying child support, my husband went to mediation first never a lawyer (his mistake) but he thought it was for the best not to have a long battle.

His ex definitely uses the children as a weapon to hurt my husband, but he knows that and does not try to let it get to him... As for co-habituating,we know her boyfriend has free access to the house and is there just about every night.

We stopped paying alimony and she took us to court, we had documentation including pictures when we went to court..the judge still found my husband in contempt and now we have an evedentury hearing on May 23...Since that first court hearing we have not seen his car at the house, but my husbands youngest who is almost 6 told us " mommy picks up Paul so, daddy doesn't no he is here and then we take him to his house in the Morning!!!!"

So we feel lost and defeated our lawyer is no help and we are broke...about to lose our house, our car so if you could help I would not know how to thank you...My husband is very smart and could totally represent himself with the right help!!! Thanks again!!!

BTW- His ex- was working full time during the divorce and has now dropped to part time, and she does not even work in the field where she has a degree...she could be making twice as much as my husband...but why work when your getting a free 2400.00 a month!!!!
